The official Tripel Karmeliet Ambassador Program:
The Masters of Tripel Karmeliet

What is the masters of Tripel Karmeliet?
What is the masters of Tripel Karmeliet?

A prestigious membership that grants establishments an ambassador label to reward their passion for Tripel Karmeliet.

All the Masters of Tripel Karmeliet are selected based on different criteria.

  • Service & Quality: The establishment is known for offering great quality and an amazing service. Have Tripel Karmeliet on draft.
  • Look & Feel: The look and feel of the establishment is a great fit for the Tripel Karmeliet brand.
  • Tripel Karmeliet Knowledge: The establishment knows how to perfectly tell the Tripel Karmeliet flavour story.
Where can you find the Masters of Tripel Karmeliet?